Please follow our easy guide on how to prepare for your new Mural which will be sent to you directly after placing your order.
All surfaces must be clean and free from flakey paint with all holes filled in and sanded smooth. Two new coats of white emulsion should then be applied.
Fresh Plaster must be left to dry for the correct amount of time. Followed by a Mist-Coat applied to the entire surface. Once ready, two top coats of White emulsion is to be painted.
We pride ourselves with installing the very best Mural work available. This is made absolute by having the surfaces + walls we work on being prepared perfectly. If you are in any doubt if your wall /surface is suitable for one of our Murals, please contact us first before placing your order or discuss options for us to prepare your wall / surface for you.
All rooms must be entirely empty for the duration of your Mural install.
Even though we use the highest quality paints + materials for your Mural work installation. For absolute protection and longevity we always recommend having a layer of Varnish applied on completion, allowing you to enjoy your new Mural indefinitely.
Once the layer of varnish is dry, the surface is now wipeable.
Like any painted surface, protection layers will only take a certain amount of wear and tear. Any heavy knocks from objects will likely damage the Mural work.